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Reserviert/Verkauft/Erledigt Canon FD TS (tilt shift) 35mm f2.8 (FD & EOS EF mount)


(Sorry, my German is very limited so... this listing is in English!)

I'm selling my Canon TS (tilt shift) 35/2.8 lens. The lens can be used on old analog Canon FD mount cameras and on modern EF mount cameras. This lens comes with both, FD and EF bayonet mounts that can be easily exchanged. On the pictures you can see it fitted with EdMika EF bayonet (costs more than 100 EUR alone). The original FD mount is included (can be seen on the last photo). Registration distance with both mounts is perfect, correct infinity... With the use of further adapters it can be used on virtually any mirrorless camera (Sony A7, Fuji...).

Lens is used but in very nice condition. Mechanically perfect. All movements are light and smooth. Glass with no scratches, marks, fungus or dust. No oil on the aperture. Focusing is light, smooth and even. Aperture ring is smooth with clear click stops.

All in all, this is a great lens. Fast (f2.8), sharp, small and light, with plenty of movements (11mm shift and 8º tilt). Selling only because I now have a large format camera.

This listing includes:

- 35/2.8 TS lens
- lens shade
- front&back lens caps
- tripod spacer/adapter
- case
- EdMika EF mount
- original FD mount
- protective 58mm filter

All accessories are Canon original items.

Price: 495 EUR (I would also be interested in trade for Leica M3 or M2); 15 EUR shipping worldwide, PayPal or bank transfer (SEPA payment within EURO zone); only till 2016-07-10 (lens will be listed for sale again in September if it doesn't sell before 10th of July)

If you have any questions, please ask!

(I'm not a regular on this forum, though I've bought stuff here - I can provide references here, on other english forums or eBay (100%))


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