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Sammelthema 'Chris on Tour' durch die weite Welt (Bildersammlung)


The Ha Long Bay is probably the most iconic landmark of Vietnam. Despite not being so lucky with the weather, it was still breathtaking to pass all these majestic peaks rising out of the water. This picture was taken just after departure of the public ferry going to Cat Ba.

The amazing Ban Gioc Waterfall in Vietnam. It takes a bit of time to get there and China is right on the other side of the river! Totally worth it, one of the best waterfalls I have seen in all of Asia!

The simply stunning reflections at night make Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin one of my favorite mosques on the world! I would say it is the main reason to visit Brunei's capital Bandar Seri Begawan.

The amazing Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park in Indonesia. I found a perfect spot for my camp and had an amazing sunset and sunrise. This is the view from the tent, just far enough away from the official viewpoint where hundreds of tourists are taken up with Jeeps every day.

I was driving in the rain through bali's country side when suddenly the clouds opened up and the sun reached this Temple gate, showcasing it in the most amazing light.

Great sun rays coming in through the morning mist on the rim just above Danau Buyan lake in the northern mountains. Pretty awesome for an early morning bike ride!

A young women practicing yoga during sunset on Indonesia's Gili Air Island. I was at the right spot to capture this moment and maybe I should try it some time too!


If you snorkel around Gili Air island in Indonesia, you will see these guys sooner or later. I went in the water 3 times and saw at least one every time!
A scenic trip through the Antarctic Peninsula is probably one of the most expensive trips you can get, but believe me when I say it is worth every penny! Cant wait to get back there :)

Danke :)


The amazing Pulau Padar Island in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. To get to this amazing view, turn right after leaving the boat instead of going to the butterfly viewpoint on the left. It's worth the side trip to get a different angle!

The final view on Indonesia's Pulau Padar island from the butterfly viewpoint. It's such an amazing beautiful view and Instagram can't even handle the full Panorama of it :)

A close up of a big 3m long Komodo Dragon in Indonesia. Pretty impressive creatures, but also a bit boring at the same time since the big ones do not seem to move anything other than their eye lid!

This is what happens when you hitch hike through the country side of Indonesia: people never seen a tourist before in their life and can't wait to hand over their baby to you!

The amazing colors of Indonesia's Mount Kelimutu. The volcano in the far east of Flores island actually has 3 crater lakes with 3 different colors and is certainly worth the effort to get to!

Some surprisingly stunning rice fields on the way back to Moni village on Flores island in the East of Indonesia. Had no idea about them and it was one of the prettiest I've seen in the country!

My first encounter with the kids in East Timor, our planet's newest country. I only spent a few days there, but it felt like a much longer time and I quickly became part of the local community. This little fella apparently liked my company too haha.

Dark clouds over the Jesus statue in East Timor's capital Dili. Just love dramatic cloud formations like those!
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