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Lenses for Nikon D750


Hi guys,

Which lenses would you recommend for newborn/family photography for a Nikon d750?

Thank you!

Sigma Art 35 1,4 or tamron 35 for some context/surrounding

Nikon Af-S 50 1,8 (Budget, no financial risk at all if buying/selling 'like new')

Nikon Af-S 85 1,8 (headshots ;) ) or a telephoto-zoom-lens like 70-200/210 f2.8 or f4 (playing around/sports)
I often use AF-S 50mm f1.8 for newborn. As they not move, this perspective fits pretty well.

As they move, I add AF-S 85mm f1.8 for more portrait-style outdoors and Sigma 35mm f1.4 ART which includes a blurry Background at home.
Three questions ahead of a answer:

Do you already have experience in photography?
Do you have some images you took yourself or of some other photographer to see which kind of style you'd like to get?
What is your budget for the total purchase (200? 300-500? 1000? Or even unlimited?) secondhand purchase ok too?
1. Yes i have some experience but i am still at the beginning. I had a crop camera and I'm switching now.
2. I hope I managed to upload the photos, cause it's giving me problems. Some of them are cut cause i couldn't upload the originals. They are my photos.
3. Budget would be around 1000 for now. Would prefer new because I'm not so experienced so I don't trust that what I buy would be totally functional and worth it if its secondhand


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sigma Art 35/1,4
Sigma Art 50/1,4

I use both on my D750 - outstanding image quality and about 90 % of the pictures from my son were shot with those two lenses.
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