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  • Mitmachen beim DSLR-Forum Fotowettbewerb Mai 2024.
    Thema: "Diagonale"

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Biete Sammlung 23x Adapter Sony-E, EOS, Micro M4/3, Four Thirds, FD, MD, CY(G), Nikon


Wegen Aufgabe Hobby biete ich 23 Adapter an für 240€ inkl. Versand.

Adapter für 4/3 Kameras
4/3 CY Contax/Y lens to 4/3 mouth
4/3 OM Olympus analog lens to 4/3 mouth AF chip
4/3 NF Nikon F lens to 4/3 mouth
4/3 LR Leica R lens to 4/3 mouth
4/3 LR Leica R lens to 4/3 mouth
4/3 NF Nikon F lens to 4/3 mouth

Adapter für Canon FD und Sony-E Kameras
Canon FD NF Nikon F lens to Canon FD mouth Pixco
Canon FD NF Nikon F lens to Canon FD mouth Pixco
Sony-E MD Minolta lens to Sony-E mouth Anti-reflex
Sony-E CY(G)) Contax/Y G to Sony-E mouth Pixco
Sony-E CY Contax/Y lens to Sony-E mouth Pixco
Sony-E OM Olympus analog to Sony-E mouth Anti-reflex

Adapter für M4/3 Kameras mit Stitch-Panorama Adapter
M4/3 EOS Canon lens to M4/3 mouth
M4/3 EOS Canon lens to M4/3 mouth Shift/Stitch
M4/3 RJ Konica lens to M4/3 mouth

Adapter für Canon EOS Kameras
EOS LR Leica R lens to EOS mouth
EOS LR Leica R lens to EOS mouth
EOS NF Nikon F lens to EOS mouth AF chip
EOS NF Nikon F lens to EOS mouth

Adapter für Sony-E Kameras mit Fotga AF Adapter
Sony-E LR Leica R lens to Sony-E mouth Anti-reflex
Sony-E LR Leica R lens to Sony-E mouth Fotodiox Pro
Sony-E LR Leica R lens to Sony-E mouth Fotga
Sony-E EOS Canon lens to Sony-E mouth AF adapter Fotga
Sony-E EOS Canon lens to Sony-E mouth Pixco

Danke und freundliche Grüsse,


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